NAME: Smart home
DATE: 2016 / 2020
Images courtesy: Robert Bosch GmbH
TEAM: 30+ stakehoLDERS in different divisions
AGENCY: propeller design
FAITH: released in 2016 and ongoing

Bosch is a very segregated company with tons of different divisions that each have their own product portfolio. For the end consumer however the brand BOSCH is always the same, no matter where it was produced, he expects a Bosch fridge to have the same standards and values as a Bosch power drill. IoT will only enhance this as products will start to connect to each other even more.
Pushed from the board of management, UX and corporate branding started a project to align our design efforts. For the first time in the history of Bosch a global design style guide was created. For political reasons external agencies were used to guide the content.
First products following this style guide was the Youseries for the powertools division launched in spring 2019.